It may shock you to understand why diabetes, the third leading cause of death among African Americas, affects one in ten Africans in America, twice the rate of white Americans at all adult age levels. The cause is something our federal government knew back as far as the 1940’s and brushed it under the rug as it threatened their purpose.

More than fifty years ago, Joe Nichols, a physician and surgeon who founded the Natural Food Associates (NFA) in Atlanta, Texas, reported that a survey on farms throughout the United States were using this new government-recommended chemical pesticide. Later this was linked to metabolic diseases such as diabetes, cancer, and heart trouble, was indeed the result of this chemical poison dumped on fertile soil.

Click here to read this shocking discovery as to this Dirty Little Secret…

Acupuncture And It’s Effect On Sleep Apnea….

A recent study shows that acupuncture as a treatment for obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) has immediate effects in reducing nocturnal respiratory events, sleep disruptions, and desaturations (low oxygen levels in the blood). The researchers hypothesize that this improvement is due to acupuncture’s effects on serotonergic pathways and also acupuncture’s anti-inflammatory effects. Both manual acupuncture and 10Hz electro-acupuncture techniques were found effective.

Click here to read the full study results…

Diabetics and Asthmatics: This Spice Can Change Your Life!!!

This popular household spice has a long standing history for many medicinal purposes with two health benefits being of particular interest to a majority of people, are its Anti-Diabetic and Anti-Asthmatic effects.

Black Cumin, also known as Nigella sativa, is now receiving serious attention in the West as scientific research is finding startling facts of how powerful and beneficial this seed is for a vast array of illnesses.

This wonder herb is also powerful enough to be used at a Practitioners level with astounding versatility. It is used for serious diseases such as diabetes, asthma, colon cleanse, candida, immune system disorders, hepatitis, AIDS and even cancer.  The seeds have also been shown to help increase body tone, stimulate menstrual period, increases the flow of breast milk in nursing mothers, and helps prevent and lower high blood pressure.

Those who decide to use black cumin seed oil should check labels and product information carefully. Black Cumin is commonly referred to as black seed oil, black onion seed, black caraway, black sesame seed, and other names, but only Nigella Sativa is true Black Cumin.

Now, as a Healthcare Provider, I have always been skeptical of one ingredient having so many health benefits…but this one has the research to substantiate it and has been documented as far back as Biblical days.

Click here to view the research on Diabetic control…

And click here to read the research on Asthmatic control…

Cryonics Pioneer Goes Into The Deep Freeze At 92…

Robert Ettinger, a pioneer of the cryonics movement, has died at home at the age of 92, in a suburb of Detroit after weeks of declining health. He arranged to have his body stored at the facility he founded in the hope that medical technology will enable him to live again one day.

It was in 1976 that Mr Ettinger founded his own facility – The Cryonics Institute – to carry out more preservations. And there, in the 7000sq ft warehouse on an industrial estate in Clinton Township, Michigan, his body was placed in liquid nitrogen at minus 196 centigrade alongside the 105 others that have so far been preserved. One of the most famous of those is Walt Disney…

Click here to read the full article…

Women Who Smoke Cigarettes Are More Likely To Develop Heart Disease Than Men…

This article was written By Andrew Seaman

WASHINGTON | Thu Aug 11, 2011 2:37pm EDT

(Reuters) – Women who smoke cigarettes are more likely to develop heart disease than men, says new research released on Wednesday.

After reviewing data on 2.4 million people and 44,000 cardiac events, the article’s authors found female smokers have a 25 percent greater risk for coronary heart disease than males who smoke cigarettes.

The researchers, published in The Lancet medical journal, also found the difference in risk for male and female smokers increased by two percent for every year they smoke.

“It hasn’t been widely recognized that there had been this sex difference,” said Rachel Huxley of the University of Minnesota, the article’s lead author, in an interview.

The findings could be attributed to physical differences between men and women, or differences in smoking habits, according to the study.

“For example, there are some data that indicate women will absorb more of the harmful agents in a cigarette compared to men,” said Huxley. “Women may inhale more smoke or they may smoke more intensively.”

Huxley said her next step is to complete a similar study to examine if the same finding can be applied to other complications related to smoking, such as strokes.

A fifth of the world’s 1.1 billion smokers are women and an analysis released in March said millions of women in developing countries risked disease and death as their rising economic and political status leads them to smoke more.

SOURCE: The Lancet, online August 11, 2011.

Who Wants To Live For Ever? A scientific breakthrough could mean humans live for hundreds of years…

By tweaking our DNA, we could soon survive for hundreds of years – if we want to. Steve Connor reports on a breakthrough that has the science world divided and questioning the validity of this actually working in humans.

A genetically engineered organism that lives 10 times longer than normal has been created by scientists in California. It is the greatest extension of longevity yet achieved by researchers investigating the scientific nature of ageing.

Click here to see what was found and the speculation that lies ahead…

Improve Insulin Sensitivity In Type-2 Diabetics With This…

Resveratrol, a natural polyphenol found in a variety of vegetation such as grapes (skins) and Japanese knotweed, has been the focus of many studies over the last several years. Believed to affect a wide variety of processes within the body, resveratrol has been shown to produce many health related benefits. A recent study published in the British Journal of Nutrition (April 2011) reported a positive affect on insulin resistance and oxidative stress in humans.. Researchers recruited 19 (male) type-2 diabetics to receive a supplement containing 10 mg of resveratrol or placebo daily, for 4 weeks. When compared with the placebo group, those receiving resveratrol showed significant improvements in insulin sensitivity and blood glucose levels, as well as delayed appearances of glucose peaks after test meals.

This is a must article for those concerned with Type 2 Diabetes…click here

Why Levels of Sperm In Men Are Falling…

It has been noted in a study that approximately 20% of men produce abnormal sperm. Among these statistics, one in seven couples now are classed as infertile with the “male factor” being linked to the most commonly identified cause. There is now an emerging consensus among some experts that whatever it is that is exacerbating the problems of male infertility, it probably starts in the womb. It is not the lifestyle of men that is the problem, but that of their mothers. This may deal with the lifestyle of the mother of the infertile male, and the environmental conditions that she has placed herself in or ingested prior to conception. It may very well deal with the chemical input into her system such as antibiotics, the “pill” and or any other drugs.

Click here to read the full article…

Reduce Your Risk of Type II Diabetes By Adding This…

Vitamin D is rapidly becoming one of the most studied vitamins of our time. These studies have indicated that vitamin D is closely linked with several aspects of human health and survival. A new meta-analysis (collective review and analysis of previous studies) published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition (July 2011), reported finding a clear correlation between vitamin D intake of greater than 500 IU per day and a 13% reduced risk for developing type-2 diabetes. It should be noted that our bodies ability to absorb vitamin D diminishes as we age and therefore we need to increase our intake in our formidable years.

So, if you are suffering from, have a family tendency, or are in a high risk category toward type 2 diabetes…you need to read this study.

Click here to read the full study…

What Does Dr. Oz Have To Say About Chiropractic???

Today the Dr. OZ show had a very important segment on the topic of Back Pain and the importance of Chiropractic Care to resolve it. As you already know, Dr. OZ is very well respected and has always said it like he sees it and that was no different when he took on the topic of Chiropractic. As he stated…Chiropractic treatment for neck and back pain is MORE Effective than pain medication!!! Remember this is a live show that has many pharmaceutical sponsors which I think this must have slipped by somehow! I’m sure some heads will roll. Keep in mind, this is out of the mouth of one of the most respected doctors in the country and I can’t wait to see the retaliation that will be felt throughout the Chiropractic profession in the weeks to come. Typically the Chiropractic profession will be slammed with some type of negative bogus research that will try to erase the positive press that leaked out today. It is going to be interesting to see the backlash. None the less, this is a HUGE BOOST for the credibility and efficacy of Chiropractic for the moment. By the time you read this article, I’m sure the link to the Dr. OZ show will be taken down as a result of his segment on Chiropractic…So, don’t hesitate in clicking the link below…

Click here to see what Dr. OZ is saying about Chiropractic…